Is this Matt? Anyway, as for "both sides being true" that's pretty much empirically bullhockey. One thing is what the report says (it's been disclosed as of today), and the other is just some numbskull using what is says to make a statement in which the ends and means are paradoxically dependent on each other (we stop terrorism we created by fighting terrorism, the act of which created the terrorism that needs to be stopped). Granted, his statement without greater context is essentially true and parroting the findings of the report, but the greater implication is that the Iraq war and the continued presence of US forces is just in that it will stop a terrorist threat. That is to say, they're fulfilling their own prophecy.
"I dont know why we argue the results of a war that is just unjustifiable. The results are the results. Some good some bad. "
Again, that's some vague ass nonsense. I think the point is that the report lends to the idea that the war is unjustified because it's not even really accomplishing what it claims to be. So regardless of whether some results are good and some are bad (well fucking duh that'll be the case) the findings stand in contradiction to the rhetoric of the Bush admin's Iraq war PR. They're barely even trying to spin it otherwise (see Boehner's pathetic attempt to use the findings), but instead are whining that the Dems are playing dirty by trying to confuse the public. This of course, coming from a man who continues to mention 9/11 and Iraq in the same sentence.
"we need something to counterbalance this terrible administration."
Yes. I don't know where change can come from. Certainly not from within the system. As the Wire has shown us all, the system does not work.
"I dont know why we argue the results of a war that is just unjustifiable. The results are the results. Some good some bad. "
Again, that's some vague ass nonsense. I think the point is that the report lends to the idea that the war is unjustified because it's not even really accomplishing what it claims to be. So regardless of whether some results are good and some are bad (well fucking duh that'll be the case) the findings stand in contradiction to the rhetoric of the Bush admin's Iraq war PR. They're barely even trying to spin it otherwise (see Boehner's pathetic attempt to use the findings), but instead are whining that the Dems are playing dirty by trying to confuse the public. This of course, coming from a man who continues to mention 9/11 and Iraq in the same sentence.
"we need something to counterbalance this terrible administration."
Yes. I don't know where change can come from. Certainly not from within the system. As the Wire has shown us all, the system does not work.
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