Double Shot with Hops

Mar 20, 2013 01:00

Double Shot with Hops, originally uploaded by @lifebypixels.
Via Flickr:
So mommy had her own photoshoot to go do the other day. We were going to go to the park with her, but things were running late. For any of you that don't have children you should learn early that schedules and staying on time are imperative to maintaining your sanity. Dinner time, nap time, reading time, all of it. Get it on lock, and stay on target. So, when mommy's session was going to start an hour late and well into dinner time we went on our own adventure to a nearby park. We had our picnic pack, some toys, and a sense of adventure in our bones. Fiona suddenly realized that she could pick up sticks, which meant pretending to be Bumblebee Boy's character from her favorite book series, Lady bug Girl. If you have children under 5, buy the books, they'll love them! In the book that introduces BB, he has a stick which he uses as his "stinger". Fiona saw sticks everywhere, and immediately made the connection. So, we explored the park finding monsters she could save us from.

This, led to a tree in the back of the park. A nice old tree with no real leaves yet since winter. Fiona said it was "a monster that wanted to grab us". But, she was going to protect us, because she had the stinger. My friend Sam brought his Canon MKII with a 24-70mm lens. I asked if I could use it, he agreed. I asked Fiona what she could do to save us and she said "I'm going to jump up and sting this tree monster!". I giggled inside, but played along. "Thank you Super Fiona, please don't let it get us". Then, as if she had ACTUALLY found a super power I watched my 3 year old daughter jump like she was in the NBA. It was unbelievable, and I swear to you there is no photoshop in her leap distance in this shot, it's all her! I was in awe, and she was so proud of herself when she realized that not only had she reached the tree, but she gave it a good whack.

Shortly after this we packed up the picnic basket, rattled off some pics of her brother playing around, and we all headed home a little dirty and tired. It was a great afternoon.

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