Grr I wrote this at like 6pm but I messed up the email address the first
time. Oh well.
I am on the subway on my way to meet jen, we are supposed to go to the
yankee game tonight. Who knows, it might turn into a night of
drunkenness, depending on the weather. Whether or not the weather is
nice, that is.
A crackhead tried to sell me a fun pass for $5. I didn't like how he
lurked by me to see what I was buying, but the way he offered it to me
was nonoffensive enough. Plus I found an easy way to call him on his
shit ("ill give you 5 bucks for it if you run it and it works right
now") and he took my rejection nicely. No yelling and stabbing, which is
a good thing.
I don't know what the hell I am wearing today. Who dresses me anyway.
My right eye has been twitching for 4 days straight. Not non-stop, mind
you, but it still seems like something to worry about.
Started at 186th st, now passing 135th. Going to 34th.
I have been eating uncontrollably for like 2 weeks and it is not good. I
just can't stop. I think my body is trying to compensate for all the
restriction and healthy eating I had been doing.
I've been watching flight of the conchords online and it is pretty damn
good. I've seen the first 3 episodes and there are 2 songs stuck in my
head: prettiest girl in the room, and if you're into it.
Anyone going to see the aquabats next week? I want to go. Last time
takeshi went with me so maybe he will be interested again this time. Bb
kings was kind of lame but I have no choice.
I felt like wearing obnoxious pink eyeshadow today. Btw, I started
wearing eye makeup again.
I saw katie goodwin last weekend. We got slurpees and had a picnic on a
soccer field on my specifically-for-picnics blanket that folds into a
bag. I took off my shirt and actually got a teeny bit of color. We ate
jerky and sour cream & onion chips. I'm such a heff lately.
Photo: the last free gift from staples was a sharpie kit thing.
59th street
I'm pissed that it is wet out. I hate when the bottoms of my pants are
wet, it makes me miserable and cranky.
2 white boys just got on the train. They are wearing the dame flip
flops, one in white and the other green. Havaianas?