If you love science fiction, I cannot recommend Weber's Honor Harrington series enough. I mean, I love this set of books and I'm not even really into military SF. In fact, this is probably the only series I read that's military SF.
He mentions in this interview that he almost always has a strong female protagonist. And he does. Honor Harrington is one of the most interesting female characters I've ever read. What's ironic is that the series has been around for so long that HH has moved up in the military chain of command to the point that she doesn't see front line battles anymore. And that's truly how it works in real life. But there are fans who are upset about it.
Anyway, what I loved about this is that as he's mentioning some of his favorite authors, (Katherine Kurtz, another favorite of mine, is one of his) he also mentions that in the next Honor Harrington anthology, he's going to have Katherine Kurtz writing in it. He also mentions that Anne McCaffrey might be as well...although, her health may preclude her from participating. But I can't wait for Katherine Kurtz's take on Weber's playground. Should be interesting.
Part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VyvtO4wZVU&feature=related and Part 2