Hey all, these are memes that I found while prowling around on LJ. For several of you on my list, it might not make much sense. But there are a few who...
know that I've written in the Buffy fandom and the pairings include, B/G (although, I haven't written them for awhile), C/G, Wes/C, Wes/B. I've also done J/D in the SG-1 fandom.
Here are the two memes for my fanfiction. Also, it doesn't necessarily have to be in a fandom I've written in before. I just have to, you know, have some idea of the fandom. *G*
1. Name three fics you think I will never, ever, ever write. In return, I will attempt to write a snippet of one of them.
2. give me one of my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story started or ten years in the future.