Well, last night was angry Mikey's first ever ROBOT-MUSTACHE PARTY! It was fucking amazing. In case you are lame and didn't here about it here is a recap:
Rules were that in order to get in you had to be dressed like a robot (ie; wrapped in aluminum foil) and also have on a mustache.
Let me tell you, everyone looked FANTASTIC and by fantastic I mean creepy but it was sooo funny.
Started off the night with beer pong at around 6 and by around 12 I was drunk as fuck and still playing beer pong.
I normally suck at beer pong but for some reason last night I was bad as usual but i kept coming through in the clutch and getting the last shots in even though all laws on physics and alcohol should have disproved what was happening lol
Me still playing but with no stache cus Roy ripped mine off:
After finally losing I went to the living room to chill and Roy handed me two boxing gloves and for some reason i automatically decided "Sure Roy! I will box you in Mikeys small packed living room! Why not"
So yea we started boxing (horribly i might add) and my contact came out (at just the right time) because Jackie walked in and yelled at us (for good reason though)
everyone left, i went to sleep, john put ketchup on my hoodie now i have to wash it again, thanks a lot john.
GREAT PARTY. Nuff said.