Интересное видео и интересный комментарий, объясняющий происходящее

Feb 04, 2021 23:16

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Rob Bar
6 месяцев назад
Never thought i would see this video. I was on that flight back in 2005. If only they showed the whole video and not cut off. Everyone ran to the water to see the one fuel tank that dropped, the other did not drop and we had to fly around until it did to land back on ship. If the pilots did not press the release to drop fuel tanks when they did then the outcome would have been different.

зы: Яндекс-переводчик перевёл имя-фамилию автора коммента как "Ограбить Бар". Я ржал :)

Шок и трепет, видео, Авиация, В мире

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