Немного хихикаю:
https://youtu.be/H17sXrWgAgQ?t=1844Вкратце: подлые Советы сделали так, что американское оборудование подходим для обслуживания советских вертолётов (по крайней мере, речь про зарядку аккумуляторов, подачу электропитания к вертолёту на земле), а советское оборудования для такого же обслуживания американских вертолётов почему-то не подходит. По крайней мере, так говорит дядька в видео :)
Блин, там прикольные комменты к видео, как всегда :)
Jeffrey Mahon3 дня назад
When I was in the Army back in the mid 80's, the Hind-D was like Bigfoot. There were very few pics of it and most were grainy B&W. I became obsessed with it. It looked like a flying Dragon. It didn't resemble a typical military aircraft at all. The Soviets scored a hit with the fear and intimidation factor with this flying beast. I know for a fact American troops NEVER wanted to encounter one.
In a way, I'm sad that the Mil-24 is so common now. It takes away the mystique that I enjoyed for so long.
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42 минуты назад
I remember back in the "old days" when Soldier of Fortune magazine was offering a one million dollar bounty to anybody who could hijack one of these and fly it out of Soviet controlled territory. Never happened as I recall.