Mar 23, 2005 15:26
just a little snippet for those insanely interested with my life:
going to dublin tomorrow -- we'll see how that pans out...staying in the hostels and all. we don't even have a place to stay for 2 nights so say a little prayer that megean makes it back to london safely
i'm becomming obsessed with the british tv show hollyoaks and sadly will miss it all of this week. boo
i miss the oc
i'm going shopping this afternoon, watch out
i got excited when chatting online with a customer service representative for my new phone card because he's american
today i wanted to buy a plain cadbury chocolate bar (i eat them like cand...erm..i mean i eat them alot here) and somehow when i took it out of my bag to eat it it had become orange. hmm
susan, are you ok? i still need your phone number!