Birthday * Cock Rock

Jun 30, 2006 10:16

For m' boy's birthday yesterday, I began the evening with a lovely mooshy greeting card, which he seemed to love more than anything. I think his mama brought him up on mooshy greeting card sentiment. Hehe. Since his custom converse are slated to arrive on Monday, I had to include a picture of his gift-to-come:

...and I also promised a trip to Magic Mountain in the near future, since he's been dying to go lately. I've decided that one half of me really enjoys rollercoasters and the other half makes me want to hurl whenever I think of making that 2 mile-per-hour crawl to the top of rollercoaster hell. My fear of heights is worsening with old age. Heh.

After presents, we headed out to Hollywierd for a short band practice. Is it just me or are people in fucking Hollywood fucking completely? Haha. The more I avoid the place, the more I adore it and absolute abhore it at the same time.

Post practice, we headed over to The Rainbow and waited a freaking hour for our food to arrive. The Linguini with white clam sauce was spectacular as always though. Yum.

Last night was the first time in a while I didn't drink anything at the Rainbow (designated girlfriend driver), which left me quite perceptive to the fact that the place was filled with yummy 30-year-old women gettin' their thang on and bursting out in their group renditions of En Vogue. What the hell, people? It's the fuckin' Rainbow not American Idol! Sheesh. We did happen to meet a couple cool guys outside by the bar though towards the end of the night, but OF COURSE, they weren't from around here. Hence, the niceness.

Tonight, my parents have to decided to take us to Benihana's in Encino for the boy's continued birthday celebration:

I love this theatrical food stuff. Flying shrimps and knives, volcanos of onion ring fire... haha. It's great and the boy's been wanting to go since his niece and nephew went to a similar restaurant in New Orleans on their last vacation.

Tomorrow, we must brave the depths of hell -aka- an outdoor pavilion in the middle of 100 degree sweltering weather to witness the big hair metal 4th of July extravaganza with Poison, Cinderella & Slaughter. Despite the long-ass drive, $10 bottles of water, the mile hike from the car to the venue UPHILL, the need for 8 lbs of sunscreen and no chance of looking "hawt" for the sake of comfort and coolness, I'm rather excited! Hair metal shows are among my most favorite concerts to attend. Possibly my MOST favorite. It's just all about having fun, being cheesy, jumping around, singing and screaming loudly and pumping those fists and lighters in the air.

Seriously, people...what could be better? =)

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