This update brought to you by a break in my homework (hey I wrote one paper, just one more to do and some readings I probably won't do) and some random searching on myspace.
So this weekend I was supposed to go see jason mraz, but do to me helping out the gardens of newark, I can't really go. But I was checking out Jason Mraz' myspace ( and i clicked on his pictures, which led me to one of his pics of him on a beach. His comment on the picture says that: "I'm chugging a Mountain Dew in this shot listening to Nickelback." Lame enough on his end, but what caught my eye was the most recent comment submitted by "MISSUNDAZTOOD" stating:
"JASON YOUR HOT FROM EVERY ANGLE AN YOUR LISTEN 2 Nickelback i love them see we have stuff in common so how about a date H A H A"
just read it again.
Now, I know comments like these aren't that uncommon of myspace. In fact, it's probably more common than the ones that do make sense. But like, come on. How do we even function in a society with idiots like these people? You can't even control your excitement over a picture to form a coherent sentence? This is partially why i applaud people for not giving into myspace and all that stuff. It really does dumb you down. I'm sure I'm much dumber because of these stupid sites.
Ok I have to go write this paper. Just thought I'd vent that.
PS. If you'd like to lose even more faith in the human race, you can visite MISSUNDAZTOOD's profile at