Title: Somebody to Love (1/3)
Author: Pocki
Original posting date: 2005-09-22
Pairing: Leia/Han, Leia/Luke (and the friendship between Luke and Han)
Rating: PG
Time setting: during ESB, sometime in the beginning, after Luke has come out from the bacta tank. This means Luke and Leia doesn’t know they are siblings.
Disclaimer: George Lucas owns Star wars, everything associated with it and my heart. If I suddenly would be paid for this fic I would give the money to charity.
Warning: It’s het fic (omg!) and it’s twincest (not explicit, just emotional).
Summary: Leia thinks about her feelings for Han and Luke. As simple as that. (the other two chapters will deal with Luke's and Han's feelings, if they ever get written)
A/N: Title is a songtitle of a song by Queen.
How could this happen? Why am I feeling like this?
I am a princess. A diplomat. A soldier. But not a woman. I don’t have time for that.
I’ve always thought love was something I was strong enough to resist. And yet here I am not falling for just one man, but two. What has happened to me? Did that torture droid mess with some part of my brain I wasn’t aware of?
When I met Luke the first time I felt there was something special about him. Sure, at first both of them seemed just plainly insane, but often that’s better than nothing. It was strange, I was a bit mad and dissapointed at them for mounting such a lousy rescue, but a mutual death threat always seems to bring people together.
When we were running to stay alive and ended up at the verge of that abyss I felt I could trust him with my life. Yet I had only known him for about an hour. There was something with him that made me feel secure and... home.
I think I envied him a little too. He felt so young and naive. When Obi-Wan died he was devastated. I, on the other hand, has grown cold after witnessing rebels die for their belief in freedom and my entire homeplanet being vaporized. But I remember the first time I saw someone die. Though I didn’t know her I shook for days and didn’t want to leave my bed. Now I know Luke had lost both his foster parents just some day before the events aboard the Deathstar and I can’t help to wonder how he could remain so calm and focused. I truly admire his strength.
I immediately felt drawn to him in some unexplainable way. It was like we had known each other for years. Isn’t that the evidence of a soulmate?
Maybe that is why I can kiss him without it feeling strange. Even though the kiss is meant to upset Han.
Why in the galaxy do I have feelings for that scoundrel? I admit it, he is very good looking and he radiates something I can’t really define, something appealing. But still he is an arrogant self-absorbed nerfherder. He only cares about money and never about how anyone feels. And he thinks that if he wants anything, he should get it. Clearly he is interested in me but he somehow take it for granted that I want him. That’s why a part of me enjoy to tease him and punish him for his stupidity and stubborness.
Now, if I don’t have any real feelings for Han, why do I get so upset? Isn’t that a sign of attachment? That I get upset when he isn’t thinking about me and my feelings. Maybe that is why I am attracted to him. Cause he isn’t like everyone else, he is some sort of challenge as a man.
I don’t know what to think or feel anymore. This is really messing up my entire way of living. But I will be strong, like I’ve always been. And I will get through this. Who knows what the future holds for me...