
May 12, 2009 01:00

augh i'm still in the computerlab downstairs (pretending to be) working.
although i really did do math today though, it wasn't a complete waste hehe. (x i realize i haven't posted in about a month but there's been so much going on it's crazy. First of all, econs exam on the 1st wasn't too great. totally messed up the essay but we'll see how it goes i guess. No english exam (THANK THE LORD- I would've failed fo'sho!) but the assignment was due like the week before the econs exam. aahh been doing math ever since. kinda screwed. i've done this stuff before, but i haaaaaaaated it in high school and no surprise it's still the bane of my existence. but after the 21st at 4pm- NO MOOOREE! :D

i head off to London/Cardiff on the 28th and will be headed back to singapore in mid June (: yeeeeeeyy. yummy food! lol need to make plans, people!! I was intending to get my driving license while i'm home but i think i might just do that next year when i get back to edin. just so i don't waste $2000Sing if i can't finish it within the 3 months or smth. (esp since my parents would make me pay for it and i don't really have $2000... it poses a slight problem. lol) Anyway. Am excited for Singapore. not looking forward to the plane ride. but.  I WILL MAKE IT. i have to go out and buy liek a supply of hobnobbs & jaffa cakes and such before i leave.. hehee.

ahh if anyone was wondering i've finally found a flat! which is nicely situated near many friends. so yeyy! :D lol
feels like i haven't talked to people in ages. there's much to update on.

like how i'm starving every 5secs of the day. seriously i just had a bowl of soup like an hour ago or so and my stomach is growling again. augh. going back to my room to get my hobnobbs now. hahah will update again soon, possibly?!

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