this is gonna be long, so be forewarned!

Apr 15, 2009 20:07

Had a really good chat with nicole last night! Found out we're gonna be back at the same time this summer- WOOTS!! The Constipated Three will be reunited! watch out neram park, here we cooomee. haha anyway, i was thinking of writing abt like a legit problem i've been having. but i've decided i'm not feeling emo enough today to do it lol so i'm just going to steal a meme from val's blog and go back to studying. bleh.

a picture of you in your room
i miss DC & my old room sooo much ):

a picture of you very drunk
i was drunk on something, i just don't know what. i get hyper after lunch. lol

a picture of you on your birthday

the youngest picture you can find of yourself in digital form

a picture of you in one of your favourite outfit
i don't really have one fav, but i guess this comes close?

a picture of you making a goofy face at the camera
oh geez there are TONS of these lol

a picture of a night you regret
don't take offense, maria- i just regret meeting those creepy guys we met at the club. *shudders. haha

a picture of you truly being yourself

the most recent picture of you
last moments in my sis' flat in paris ):
ho-ho! & i just realized this is a slightly better pic of my so-called 'fav outift'. haha

a picture of you being ridiculous
lord knows there are tons of these too haha

a picture of you showing off a new haircut/colour

a picture of a time in your life that's over, but you wish it wasn't.

A picture of a time in your life that's over, and you couldn't be more thankful that it is

A picture of you that you had no idea was being taken
yes i am the blob of clothes. haha

A picture of you when you were a different person than you are now
notice the clothes. lol

A picture of you with someone you love

i'm sorry i can't do this one- there'd be waay too many photos to put up.

A picture of how you’d like the world to see you
i have my reasons. lol

A picture that describes how you’d like to spend every day
yeah it's sideways, sorry.

A picture of a time when everything was changing
it was halloween and i was puss in boots! haha yeah again, i have my reasons.. it's not as ditzy and unrelated as you may think lol

A picture that makes your heart hurt

A picture that makes your heart smile

A picture of one of the best nights of your life
although i kinda wanna forget what happened after the dinner...

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