Letter to Obama and the Democratic National Committee

Mar 16, 2010 20:21

RE: President Obama
TO: The Democratic National Committee

To Whom It May Concern:

I know that it is not president Obama’s fault that we are saddled with a corrupt and anachronistic economic and political system, but I must say I am disappointed about how fast he has been sucked into it.  His genuine concern for average (mostly unemployed) Americans like me was the reason I so strongly supported his candidacy, but it is obvious now that he has capitulated to the forces that rule this country.  He probably has no option, but his inability to even begin to combat the corruption in Washington reinforces my long-standing feelings about the state of our nation.  I continue to be embarrassed by our aggressive, destructive foreign policy, our inability to learn from more advanced democracies, our corporate, economic and individual greed and the utter lack of morality symbolized by our abusive military and intelligence community and their actions.

I am not one of the "indoctrinated" Americans who believe our form of government (so-called democracy) and our capitalism are beneficial for other countries, when in fact it is obviously not even good for us.  I am very wary of the U.S. and its actions both at home and abroad and have been a protester against our military since the 1960s.  Our corrupt, sometimes secret, sometimes overtly belligerent way of dealing with the world (as well as the people here in the U.S.) is ignored by many, but obvious to a (sadly) small percentage of people who care about justice and equality.

Since WWII our "military industrial complex" has been the most powerful influence behind our government, and "we the people" have never been consulted about its continuous bullying at home or abroad.  I am painfully aware of the fact that there is a always a hidden agenda and most of what the corporations, government and military preach is lies.  It is clear that those in power are cynical and calculating and only want to become richer and more powerful.  They routinely use anachronistic nationalist propaganda, fear, secrecy, distraction and misinformation to get what they want.  Most U.S. citizens believe what they are told, and think that as long as we are militarily and economically powerful and have the most and best weapons, it is our right to behave however we want.  This is a fatalistic, old-world, cold war attitude (us against them), where might makes right and the United States inevitably spawns numerous enemies and consequently must fight many wars.

There are many who believe war is good for the economy and accordingly we continue to fund excessive military spending, sheer hypocrisy for any nation interested in peace. The “terrorists,” home-grown and otherwise, are just following a script that our government and other colonial powers have written by abusing power at home and abroad for years.  Simple cause and effect.

Also note that our government still operates as if it were a colonial power, with the “god given” right to influence (secretly or overtly) and even replace (i.e., overthrow) the governments of other nations.  This has been going on since the establishment of the U.S. as an independent country. The U.S. was founded by European invaders on genocide, slavery and oppression, resulting in a powerful negative hangover for the American psyche.  Our country is still ruled by a small upper class comprised of corporate oligarchs who fund our military, our intelligence agencies and our politicians.  And most of our average people still feel a nameless oppression in spite of living in a consumer’s paradise.

In the U.S., justice and democracy are subverted to allow some people (usually with the “right connections”) and their corporations to become wealthy on an unbelievable global scale.  Meanwhile, in the “richest nation,” government services (i.e., health care, education, housing, security) are available to a modest segment of the population to prove that the government “cares,” while really the government serves the corporations and the wealthy.  The military,the  intelligence services and the police are powerful, well-funded and paranoid; afraid, perhaps, of “the people" finding out what is really going on.  And of course the media is stifled or restricted when it comes to exposing the true actions and real motivation of the government.  Their purpose is to distract and entertain!  Are we fooled?  I think not!

I am hereby removing myself from the two party system and notifying you that I think this country is lost.  You and the other dupes in Washington have lost my support.


Patrick A. Nolan

obama, politics, political corruption, capitalism

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