Aug 24, 2006 22:38
lol. today at the gym. 24 camp class.
lady; OKAY 3 mins of cardio!! ( so i heard)
15 mins later, after non-stop jumping, squating, kicking, punching, jumping, squating, JUMPING CONSTANTLY.
sneha: *mouths* I hate you. i HATE you.
10 mins later
lady: no getting lazy. NO BEING LAZY
sneha: she's talking to us
5 mins later: push ups. yeah right....... hahahahahahahhahaha
trainer: DO YOU GUYS WANT 45?? OR 50?!??!??!?!?! *lift dumbbells to cast ur vote
... well its not like I could LIFT the dumbbell, but when i DID I lifted it on 50.
24 camp. wow. there is no other word to describe it.