is the meaning of life visiable to the naked eye?

Apr 22, 2007 22:04

I dont mean to dwell on the events of last week. Virginia Tech hit closer to home then I thought it ever would.

My church is a part of my family. They have helped my mom and sisters from having to give up everything. A family from our church has been involved in so many ways. At the moment the husband is over in Iraq and he is a lutenit trying to help the school children over there. Anyways the wifes cousin was a professor over at Virginia Tech and he was shot and killed. I pray for their family and every other family whose lives have been dramatically changed over someone who needed help himself.

another professor over at V.T. survived the holocaust over 50 years ago. he baricaded the door so the shooter couldnt get in and told his students to get out and save themselves through the window. he was also shot and killed.

i'm a true believer that everyone has a purpose, if they have completed their purpose in life they wouldnt be here. my heart goes out to those who sacrifice themselves to save others. WWJD? right?

who knows what their purpose is. only the great I Am knows.
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