Y'all may not know this about me, but there is a hefty bit of econ in what I do for a living, and in law school I was one of the only lefty members of my class to receive an Olin Fellowship in Law and Economics. My adviser, a fabulous man, despaired of me and my fancy hippie labor market theories.
Anyhow, that's all by way of build-up to introducing you all to my FAVORITE new blogger (well, new to me). Kathy G. She's fabulous, and a great read, and I think she's brilliant and spot-on most of the time.
Today, she is killing two annoying birds (well, annoying to me) with one stone, or, well, post: (a) she's kicking down yet another craptastic abuse of the Coase Theorem (maybe the MOST misused theory in econ, well, ever, and particularly in econ & law), and (b) the abuser of said theorem today (and thus recipient of the excellent and literate smack-down) is Megan McArdle, with whom I, erm, frequently disagree, despite Scalzi's blogcrush.
(Scalzi, crush on Kathy G, instead! SRSLY.)
Anyway, the blog is
The G-Spot, and
the link to today's post on Coase (which also shouts out to my very own tween blogcrush) is here. Happy econ reading!!!