Am Not In New York

Nov 11, 2009 19:29

Have contracted a flu.  No, I don't know which one.  I went to the doctor and saw some new guy, who asked ME if I thought I needed Tamiflu?  I dunno.  Anyway, I said no.  I did, however, request prednisone, and helped him the dose.

I cannot breathe for anything, seriously, and today is day 2 on steroids and the best day yet for flu symptoms.  If I don't refill every 16 oz glass of water as soon as I finish drinking it, I can't breathe.

Pfft. Says I.

What I learned today, though, during the worst of it was actually sort of awesome.  I've been well for so long (relatively speaking) asthma-wise, that I no longer know when I need emergency care.  I used to be able to time it to the hour, right?  Now, I was sitting for a bit on the couch thinking, "Um.  What do I do now?  I'm struggling, I'm in grave discomfort, my intercostal muscles are on fire, I'm a bit anxious, heart rate's I bad enough for ER?  I can't just go to the doctor's, I went yesterday.  But I can't take any more meds, either.  Hmmmm.  Maybe I should call the pulmonologist's office?  Or email my doc?  Find that business card she gave me with the number of the on-call pulmonology resident?  Where would that be?"

So, um, wow.

I think I need an appointment with my pulmonologist to discuss this problem.  I guess we need a more explicit plan. 

health wank and whining

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