Dec 02, 2004 09:46
Went to Mickey D's w/ Muzzy Tuesday morning. I needed to be out of the house and he needed to kill time b4 work so... it all worked out. Candy got free food! Haha! Breakfast from Mickey D's to be exact! Thank you Muzzy! You fed me... you're awesome! Went to IG Boradshop... I've seen better board shops. At least for the girls side... sheesh! They had bathing suits in the winter season so I guess that's good to know. Went to the college to pay off that debt and renew my ID card. Saw Sal and Anthony. Well, I saw Sal and Anthony came up behind me and scared me. Went back home and Sam sent me Kazaa. Whee! Downloaded it and then went shopping with my mommy. Thanks Sam, my "nigga w/ glasses". Haha! You're so hardcore. Anyway, Got business clothes and new shoes. I am so awesome! Then, work. It was sooo slow. I got paid to do my homework! Muzzy came in to keep me company and play games. I sat there and did my homework while no customers came in. Hehe. Came home after work and downloaded music. Go me! Tom Petty, Dave Matthews, cover songs... I'm so cool.
Woke up and took a shower Wednesday. Morning showers are so refreshing. Went to Sociology class. After class drove out to Chatsworth for the payroll office. Helped out with the billing... only, there weren't any. So, I got paid for finishing up my homework and shredding paper. I got there at 12PM. Billing was ready at 2:30PM. I did the two little stacks and left Tyson with the 2 bigger ones. I had to get outta there. Drove out to Simi and picked up CD's from Ryan. Thank you Ryan! You are a sweetheart! Andrew called telling me to come over. So, I did. We watched part of the Recruit. Jonathan and Andrew's mommy left for the alumni soccer game for Royal High School. His dad coached them. We went to class. Mine got out earlier. Hehe! Did most of my homework while waiting. He was on the phone when I got in the car with his friend Ernie. Andrew said something amazing... "My girlfriend says hi." First time I herd that. So weird how the little things make me so happy. Went to Toppers and met up with his parents and brothers. Their team lost... :-( BUT... they played the best. Still proud of them... :-)Went back to the house and watched Man Apart and such. We both agreed we had "a wonderful night". I LOVE spending time with him.
This morning my mom IMed me. Yeah... She was upstairs on the computer and I'm down here on mine... Pathetic isn't it? She's so cute.
Her:"I'm going to call him Andy"
Me:"I'm not sure he likes to be called that"
Her:"Whatever. I'm calling him Andy and you Candy. It's cute and my mom called my dad Andy. Short for Andrew. Her nickname for him."
Awww... I love my mommy. Well, gotta go to the library and pay my last debt, help mommy with X-Mas stuff, and go to work by 6PM. Karoke night. You guys are all invited.