26+ Grün NooBoos: Part 2

Dec 04, 2008 12:10

Last time at the Grün's, Barry gave birth to Aimee, Benji, Carly, Dana, and Ernie. Aimee left for University. Benji is a teen. Carly and Dana are children. The youngest, Ernie, became a toddler. I must warn you that this chapter is quite long (118 pix), but it's full of adorable kids and LOVE!!! After this I'll post 3 University updates, which of course are optional. Now on to the show!

You have just witnessed the closest thing to a full family dinner! Notice Joe and Barry playing footsie. LoL

These two have now had 11 dream dates, but they don't go on any more during this update.


Benji maxed Cleaning!

Joe is Criminal Mastermind! +3

Barry is a [pregnant] Prestidigitator! +3

Carly maxed Body!

Ernie maxed Charisma!

Aww, Ernie grew up!

Carly Grun
Aries: 10-10-10-0-5
LTW: Own 5 Top Level Businesses
Turn Ons: Glasses & Unemployed
Turn Off: Brown Hair
Hobby: Science

Just grin and bare it, Barry.

A girl! She has black and eyes like Benji. Her name is Frankii.

I just felt like showing Ernie and Dana playing together. Her block castle is so much better than his. :)

Benji maxed Logic!
Benji: *giggle* Boobies!

Dana maxed Mechanical!

Marsha: I smell children.

Carly maxed Cooking! I miss the doodad A LOT this chapter...

Benji did most of the care taking for Frankii, since they're fully related.

Now there's butterflies in the house! WTF!

Dana maxed Body!

Ernie maxed Mechanical!

Frankii's birthday!

Of course she's adorable.

Ernie loves her! As soon as she grew up, he rolled wants to play with her. :)

Carly maxed Cleaning!

Barry taught her all of her toddler skills!

Benji maxed Creativity, which means...

...off to La Fiesta Tech he goes!

Barry: Not so rough, guys!

Dana Grun
Pleasure/Grilled Cheese
Scorpio: 10-9-10-4-1
LTW: Eat 200 Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Turn Ons: Swim Wear & Red Hair
Turn Off: Hats
Hobby: Sports

This downtownie is friends with Aimee. She met Carly at a party, and has called every night since and walks by at least twice a day. You can actually see her in the door way of the previous picture.

Frankii maxed Charisma!

All three wishes were used for money. They didn't really need it, but it's a nice cushion in case of a bad chance card.

Frankii became a child!

Joe got old!

Dana maxed Cooking!

Carly maxed Creativity!


Dana: Grilled cheese is the best thing since sliced bread!
Carly: No way, little sis!

Ernie maxed Body!

Carly maxed [her last skill] Logic!

Have a safe trip!

Dana maxed Cleaning!

Another bathroom birth!

Another blonde girl, but with black eyes! Her name is Garland...all this annoying Christmas cheer was getting to me.

Ernie Grun
Libra: 0-10-0-8-8
LTW: Become Space Pirate
Turn Ons: Full Face Make-Up & Hard Worker
Turn Off: Hats
Hobby: Nature

Dana maxed Creativity!

Barry: Ahh! Don't sneak up on me like that!

Dana's a cheater, but I still adore her!

Garland's birthday!

Her eyes have a very unique shape. I like it.

Garland learned to talk and walk from Dana.

Dana maxed Logic!

Bye, Dana! I'll miss you, even though I played you right after you left.

Barry is officially having an affair with Miles McBride. I think they'll get together when Joe dies.

Speaking of Joe, he still helps with the kids.

Frankii maxed Body!

Ernie maxed Logic! I may have missed the doodad, but I caught the aspiration boost!

I decided to let the family invest in a huge green house and a lake.

Frankii maxed cooking!


Ernie maxed Cleaning!

Barry: Shoo flee.

Meet Garland's clone, Holly! Picking Christmas names for both clones was purely coincidental.

Joe's a Business Tycoon! +3

Garland grew up!

Ernie maxed Creativity!

First one gets stolen, then one catches on fire.

The first harvest sells pretty well.

Poor Garland! This is the first time I've had a child get sick from being spun around.

Garland: Happy birthday Mini Me!

She looks just like Garland, but I'll include her picture anyway.

Frankii Grun
Aries: 10-10-10-4-1
LTW: Become the Law
Turn Ons: Blonde Hair & Red Hair
Turn Off: Grey Hair
Hobby: Fitness

Barry: Can you ease up on the high beams?

Ernie potty trained Garland Holly.

Joe taught her to walk and talk.

Ernie maxed Cooking!

*sniffle* They grow up so fast.

Frankii maxed Cooking!

Frankii maxed Cleaning!


My first wishing well!

Holly grew up!

Barry is a gardening master! Joe is too.

Joe gets the first wish, and he wants friends.

Just like that, Joe has 20 Best Friends! +3

Garland maxed Mechanical!

Couldn't you have at least taken the trash out first.

I'm loving this surge of black eyes! Finally, another boy, Ian with brown hair.

Barry brought Miles home from work again, and this happened on it's own.

Uh oh, who got abducted?!

You knew it was him, didn't you?

The very next day, it's Ian's birthday!

He has a super thin nose.

He learned all of his skills from Barry.

Holly maxed Mechanical!

Garland Grun
Saggittarius: 1-1-10-10-10
LTW: Have 50 1st Dates
Turn Ons: Unemployed & Mechanical
Turn Off: Athletic
Hobby: Tinkering


Frankii maxed Creativity!

Garland is the first of the kids to do anything other than skill and garden.

She wished for friends that she can ask on dates. Doesn't she look so excited!

Samantha (?) was all of Garland's firsts! Not her first WooHoo though, duh.

[new angles] Garland maxed Cleaning!

Frankii maxed Logic!

You win a cookie if you can guess why I like this picture.

Another blonde with blue eyes! But this one is a boy from the redhed technitian. His name is Jerick.

I'll leave you off with Frankii heading to college.

Good Birthdays: +21 [1 pt each]
A+s: +28 [.5 pt each]
Maxed Skills: +135 [3 pt each]
Dream Dates: +12 [1 pt each]
LTWs: +12 [3 pt each]
Friends: +13 [.5 pt each]
Starting w/ Single Sim: +4

TOTAL: 225 points

grün nooboos

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