The Uberhood Family Tree Project

Nov 07, 2010 13:01

As you should know, if you read my Uberhood posts, I'm trying to make a giant family tree with all of the original Sims on it. It's a huge project, but it should be fun working towards it. The tree is pretty big already with only parts of 3 neighborhoods on it. I was going to wait until I finished the first round to share it, but since I'm already making good progress I'll go ahead and do that now. I'm using Family Echo, just like my other family trees because it's simple and serves its purpose. The only drawback is that it doesn't show the entire tree at once, so some clicking around is necessary. This post will contain a little guide, so you can easily follow the entire tree without getting lost:
  • Start HERE with Lola Curious-Smith. You can see that the family tree is already pretty interesting from the strange family dynamics of the Curious-Smith clan.
  • Clicking on Gabe O'Mackey will move you from Strangetown to Riverblossom Hills. The only Sim you won't see is Daisy Greenman, but she is there.
  • Next click on Alexandra Teatherton. Not too interesting, so move on to Cornwall Capp. I still can't believe he has 6 kids.
  • Anyway, the real fun starts when you click on Regan Capp. BOOM! The tree blossoms! Take a moment to stare at the huge Capp family, plus Patricia Wan.
  • Clicking on Titania Summerdream will bring you to the end of the tour.

I hope you enjoyed checking out the beginning of my project, and there will be more to come! I'm still adding pictures, but some will have to wait until after they've gotten their make-overs. :)


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