
Jul 04, 2009 18:55

I do have the attention span of a squirrel when it comes to EVERYTHING. The last few days I've been doing random Sims things, but can't seem to focus on anything for too long. That's probably why I got bored with TS3 after about 10 days; one family all the time, I don't think so! Anyway, I've been trying to think of something new to do in TS2, so a couple of days ago I started looking for a new challenge to try. I ended up deciding on The Awesimsauce Challenge, since I can never do a normal Legacy without getting bored. That challenge has enough little twists and challenges to keep me interested. Then I needed a last name and a naming theme related to the rainbow in some way that wasn't boring or already done a billion times. So I spent the next day researching some themes and settled on a last name of Mendeleev. Okay, I know that doesn't sound rainbow/color related at all, but it is from Dmitri Mendeleev who is the "father of the periodic table of elements." Again, that doesn't seem related, but the elements all have colors associated with them in some way, whether it's the color they occur in nature, a gas they give off, the flame they produce, a light they emit, or compounds they form. So I now have a list of elements for all of the colors of the challenge. Even though only two kids are allowed per generation, I have more than that just in case.

It's also going to be for pixel_trade  so I can get a bunch of new faces in my game. After doing the Kids for Diversity challenge, I wanted to get more involved in the community, so I went around and started downloading my favorite Legacy Sims, Founders, and whoever else I could get my hands on. My neighborhood now has tons of adorable little pixel people running around. I'm using one of my own Sims as the founder, Ella Palm, since I wanted to see how her features mix with others. Of course that's not her name in the challenge though, she's now Mercury Mendeleev, since Mercury gives off a blue light when electricity runs through it.

I've played a few days of the challenge. Mercury met tons of the pixel_trade Sims, and found her mate! They're just engaged as of now, but soon enough the challenge will get started, and I'll start posting. :)

announcements, legacy: mendeleev

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