My boyfriend let me keep the game longer for whatever reason. I'm not complaining though; that just means more time with the Starbuck family! Here's the beginning of Gen 3...
I needed to get to work on generation 4, so Riley invited over Erin and popped the question.
She said no! I thought maybe their relationship wasn't high enough, but when she moved in I learned she was insane.
Riley was upset so he cried on her shoulder.
She said yes the second time.
They were married immediately before she could change her mind.
Erin spent a lot of time admiring her invisible ring.
Erin is ambitious, mean spirited, genius, insane and a virtuoso. She wants to be a Hit Movie Composer.
Leland all grown up now! He definitely has Jeremie's nose...
Mona managed to fix the dishwasher without dying like grandma Daisy.
He caught Jeremie with Bella Bachelor.
Mona is dating her neighbor whose name I can never remember. I think his last name is Hensley or something.
Max grew up and his late trait Childish and he wants to be a Five-Star Chef. He invited Connie over, knocked her up, and immediately moved into the Goth mansion.
They match!! :D
Daisy is excited to meet her first great grandchild.
Erin's pregnant now too!
It was time for Mona to move out and make more room for generation 4.
I gave her the same outfit since I really liked it. Her final trait is absent-minded.
I tried to get her pregnant before she moved out, but I forgot Erin was pregnant so the house was full. She moved around the corner into whatshisface's house.
Then Erin went into labor!
She gave birth to a boy named Jake who is brave and friendly.
They immediately got to work on another baby.
I love how Daisy is actually listed as Jake's great-grandmother.
Mandie had her birthday while visiting Mona.
It's weird having two generations of elders in the house.
Lori once again celebrated her birthday all alone while fishing.
I gave her the same outfit.
Bella died. Jeremie was very upset by it.
Protesting yettis???
If this was TS2, Jeremie would definitely be Popularity. Most of his wishes have to do with making X friends, or became best friends with so-and-so. He's always on the phone or inviting people over.
He's an elder now too, and I thought it was strange how his hair didn't turn gray.
Daisy dropped by the Goth place to meet her great granddaughter, Jenna Goth. She's a heavy sleeper and brave. I guess that's good with all the ghosts around.
Daisy stuck around to teach Jenna to talk while everyone else went to bed.
Erin is pregnant again.
Daisy died the same way Stiles did, playing video games.
Her ghost didn't change to a white one, which I guess makes sense she died by electrocution first.
His skinniness disturbs me.
Time for little Jake to grow up!
He's so cute.
I decided to try a home birth. It took over 2 hours.
Out first was twitchy baby Alex. She's a genius who loves the outdoors.
Next was baby Bonnie. She's excitable and athletic.
Apparently the family is paying her to drink their juice.
She also stayed for the triple birthday party.
Jake was first. He got the trait of bookworm. He's super cute. I wanted to give him glasses but I don't like any of the choices.
Alex who has some Joker thing going on with her mouth.
Bonnie who also has some lip weirdness going on.
I'm missing a picture of Riley stealing candy from Jake. He rolled the want to steal candy from him and got a positive moodlet, then wished to teach him to walk and earned a negative moodlet from doing so. LoL