"in catholic school/i had my knuckles bruised/by a lady in black"

Dec 14, 2005 13:23

in APC&L we have an 8minute speech as our final project grade. this could save my grade!!!! we can do the traditional/generic "what ive learned/experienced in high school" or "we're on the brink of adulthood" speech, but i dont want to. were not allowed to use prompts and the only way i could speak for eight minutes without prompts is if the topic is something im super passionate about.
we have to include an extended metaphor in the speech(one example: life is like a tree, you have roots, and branch out, etc). an extended metaphor would be hard to come by for the topics ive chosen&some of the topics are controversial, and if not delivered correctly, could be construed as inappropriate/offensive.

so basically, i need people to either select topics they like/think will work. and if you could come up with extended metaphors to use on any of the topics(even one you're not fond of), id really appreciate it.or, you could even give me a topic that i havent come up with.

-the biblical arguments/hypocrisy
-a one-way, logical debate against people who claim it's a religious issue
-presenting the financial/economic benefits that could precede it leagalization
-gay as a derrogitory term (psychological affects on individuals& the general pop)
-the word "faggot"'s history&violent/hateful implications
-the dangerous consequences of ignorance and indifference
3-TEEN PREGNANCY(view of):
-statistics about teen sex(overall), teen sex(unprotected),teen abortions
-covering the financial,career,and emotional consequences that come with accepting responsibilty and giving birth to the baby (whether it is kept or given up for adoption)
-covering the harmful affects of the general pop's negative view of pregnant teenagers
- the sexist element/double standard
-gay(as derrogitory)/faggot overview of above(2) topics
-punk hypocrisy (claiming lack of labels, yet they call one another "posers". the lifestyle is supposedly about being "unique" but they all look alike/adopt similar attitudes&styles)
-others' view of punk(cover the disdain, suspiscion, and wariness. cover punk philosophies/attitudes/norms that do and dont support this negative view )
-cheerleaders=ditzes/jocks=meatheads (cover the physical,emotional,educational strains/stresses that come with the sport. mention the required gpa, the weekly hours generally devoted&the amount of training/practice/study required to perform.also cover their important roles in school functions/teams/morale/spirit)
-pregnant teens (overview of what's covered in 3)
-double standards of sex (slut vs. stud)
-cynical, but logical exploration of the idea that nothing we do in life is selfless(donations/volunteering/acts of kindness in general all grant personal gain -( be it personal comfort/pride in your own kindness& mercy or the public gratification of other's admiration and respect or the fear of hellfire and damnation)- )
-"new age" label (paganism's long-standing/enduring history -(developed prior to christianity,buddhism,and muslim)-, adapted/adopted ideas, stories, customs &holidays. persecution,bans,witchhunts,and prejudices endured&overcome through history)
-"evil/heathen" label (cover main ideals/morals/rules for an assortment of pagan branches -(wicca,celtic,shaman,etc)-. point out that different branches of christianity&muslims, etc have more aggresive/violent/cruel/hateful/biased historical events/persecutions/wars/executions to take responsibility for than paganism has had; though its been around longer than all.)
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