Title: Tom's Secret
Author: belladoragirl
Rating: R for disturbing images.
Characters: Tom Riddle/Other Female Character
Beta: Spell Checker :)
Summary: The True Story of Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Notes: Originally written as a comment ficlet to a fanart drawn by
tipperfunster on Daily Deviant over on IJ.
The first time young Tommy saw Inky the Sexy Squid, he knew he was in love. As he continued through Hogwarts, causing a bit of distraction during the day so that he could sneak out to see his beloved at night.
It tore at his heartstrings at the end of every year when he would have to return to the orphanage, away from his slippery lover.
After Hogwarts, Tom found a few jobs to make some money to save up for a rather large engagement ring. If you know the price of engagement rings for humans, you could imagine the cost for Tom's 'girl'!
Tom asked Dumbledore for the DADA post so he could be near Inky. Dumbledore refused to give him the post, and so Tom left, broken hearted, and vowed revenge on Dumbledore for keeping him away from the love of his life.
Many years and battles later, a prophecy was made. Upon realizing that this could effect him, Voldemort set out to destroy what he thought was holding him back.
Fifteen years after this new crusade started, he realized that he was fighting the wrong people. What he needed was to take over the Ministry, not the school! With this realization, he set forth quietly upon his new quest, one that would take a bit over a year.
The Ministry finally taken over, he had a few laws changed about Muggleborns, what everyone expected, and slid some extra minor laws in as well, making it legal that he could marry his forgotten love.
Now that it would be legal, the boy who became a dark lord set upon his previous battle of gaining control of the school in the most dramatic way possible.
After obtaining the school, he marched down to the lake while everyone thought he was going after a wand, of all things. Once at the lake, he proposed and quickly planned to have Lucius do the honors of finally letting him and Inky be wed.
And so we arrive at the end of this story. But the end of this story only brings forth the beginning of Tom and Inky's lives together.