Any update within an hour of the show? Becca's on the ball tonight!! ^_^ Not too many caps this time, the sun was at a bad angle and made everything kind washed out, plus excessive lag...
Anywho, yes, Solo Tuti show. I'm anticipating more of these, since Tengumen is playing... curtain is in 10 minutes. And Bambino starts soon. So expect more Tuti!
Tuti has such an amazing smile, it's so adorable.
I loved how he paid so much attention to the crowd outside. He's such a stage boy, he needs to see his audience. :)
For any of you Prince of Tennis fans... We've now found exactly what Gakuto (from Hyoutei) will look like when he's 30... ._.
He seriously couldn't stop laughing tonight. It was adorable.
And on a modly side note, I updated the memories and I tried organizing the tags a little. Feel free to tag your posts, just be sure to make sure they match the other tags. So post, then pick the edit tags function if you want to tag. It'll make searching for things a lot easier. ^_^
**Snuggles and smoochies**