Sep 09, 2010 11:24
Allright - so as promised, I'm going to break my "One Year Later" rule and start tyring to post a lil more frequently (monthly? quarterly? weekly?).
Last weekend was Labor Day and that means my annual trip to Atlanta for Dragon*Con with the wife to see all of our buddies and have a grand ol time. And mucho the fun was had. To recap the events of the 5 day weekend, Laura and I:
1) Went to the Shakespeare Tavern and watched an excellent performance of "As You Like It" while eating some kick ass food and we found a love for zuccini-bread.
2) Shopped in glorious malls, vendor rooms, rpg stores, exhibit halls, and various bootleg booths.
3) Saw a tremendous amount of friends and made quite a few new ones.
4) Wandered the Con hotels trolling for interesting photos and always missing out on the few that I would have loved to get.
5) Got a new effing camera to remove problem 4 as a problem any more.
6) Spoke on 9 panels this year though I was only slated for 4 - apparently I'm really popular or just the "go to" guy. Probably a lil of both.
7) Played some epic games in the game rooms including this MASSIVE Star Wars game that I dont fully understand but just loved watching.
8) Went to way too many Room Parties and played Designated Wrangler for my Social Lubricated girlfriends and wife.
9) On average: Went to bed at 3:30 am every night.
Okay - so if we want a lil more detail, the biggest story of the Con for me, was the Adult Themes in Star Wars Panel. If you went last year to this aptly named panel, you saw that while it was super fun, we nearly got shut down by the fire marshall because our 250 capacity room was holding something like 300. People int he aisles, walls, blocking the door etc...
So this year, I was invited back as was my partner in crime on this panel: Aaron Alston. In addition we were moved to a semi/large ballroom to have larger capacity. Of course, this freaked us and the new girl (Kyle) out. I said not to worry about it, I had a plan to make it more fun.
So Flashback to a month before hand. I get the bright idea to contact an adult toy manufacturer: Fleshlight - because they sponsor some podcasts I listen to and seem to have a good sense of humor. In 2 emails I had secured some "prizes" to give out at the Panel -w hich basically equalled two Fleshlights. Now - not to bore you with details, but essentiall a fleshlight is a flashlight shapped toy men can #$@%.
So we went one step further, and went to a local store and bought some toys for the women or gay/curious males to cover all the bases. By the time the Con rolled around - rumor had it that we were coming back but also with "props". Sunday night arrives, and here we go. It was awesome...spectacularly triumphant and people went crazy over the raffle/toys. If you're curious as to the content of the Panel...I will shortly have the full hour of content up on Youtube for your viewing enjoyment. Our camera died in the middle of the panel so I have to edit two different video sources. Sucks - but has to be done.
Anyway the panel gets over - we're all buzzing and I get approached all over the place. "Hey you're funny" - "awesome panel" and the most frequently asked question of the Con: "Do you do a Podcast? If not...why?" A decent question. I love to talk...and apparently I'm pretty damn funny. 5 years running now and they keep asking me back to be on more and more panels (in addition - Adult Themes has been permanently placed on the Schedule because of the success).
So now I'm working up a simple idea. Me and a guest or two talking about whatever strikes my fancy that week. We're tentatively calling it "Shauncast" cause it seems to be what's sticking in my brain. But I need some thoughts! What should I call the Podcast? Do you want to be on it? What kinda topics would you like me to tackle?
I'm doing a demo cast this weekend to make sure it'll work and be check back soon. Links galore - they are a-coming.