long overdue

Sep 20, 2009 22:16

I’m not sure what to write about, besides that I’m incredibly delayed in writing anything, and, thus, I kind of suck.  It seems that the past month or so my life has been seriously rushing by.  It feels like it was summer just weeks ago and all of a sudden it’s the end of September, I’m back in school, working at a frantic pace trying to get far enough ahead that I feel ok missing a day for Folsom. I’m there, at this point, at least I think I’m there.  I know what work I have to do, and which of it I need to do well ahead of time.  A Spanish paper, for example.  My teachers have been informed that I’m missing school “for Yom Kippur,” something I don’t feel the least bit guilty using as an excuse. I mean hey, I’ve got some Jewish in me somewhere. I’ve been to temple, I can sing the entire High Holy Day service, start to finish, so why the fuck not use their religious holiday to my advantage.  Besides, I’m gonna try and look at some schools while I’m up there so really, its an academic pursuit as much as a kinky one. Ok, well not quite as much, but it totally counts.

Its another train ride post. Cut to the Amtrak surfliner Sunday evening after a Chargers game.  It’s a rowdy crowd, people. I seem to be the only one doing any kind of work. At least the chargers lost. They’re quieter when their team loses.

Miss Penny made me a really awesome outfit to wear to Folsom. It’s a bit of a departure from her usual stuff, as she’s working in leather for our outfits, but they’ve got Miss Penny’s undeniably fantastic aesthetic going on, along with input from Master Blaine and i.  I’m actually kinda almost making myself useful in her studio. I’m not the best at actual clothing construction, but I make pretty neat, weird looking accessories. I may be quickly on my way  to becoming the Lust Designs accessory bitch. Accessory beeyatch? I don’t know.

Completely trashed football fan just sat down in the seat in front of me. Uggh. Loud, smelly, and apparently feels the need to jump up and down in his seat, or rock around a lot. My laptop is bouncing all over the place. He’s drunkety drunk drunk.

I’m excited to get to wear my outfit next Sunday, though a bit apprehensive about (gasp) actually showing my stomach in public.  And  I know that’s entirely stupid, since when at play parties I pretty much wind up stark naked in public anyway, but it’s the first time since I was a super skinny ballet dancer that I’ve worn an outfit that so deliberately bared my midriff. But I’m down almost 30 pounds so it actually looks ok. That’s another thing I haven’t written a ton about on here. My crazy quest for weight loss, fitness, and overall better health seems to be pretty well taking over my  life, at least the parts not dedicated to school.  I’m down almost 30 pounds in just over 2 months, and actually enjoying it.  Ok, not the going to the gym part, but the results are nice.  Its nice to finally be able to see the work paying off in the mirror, as well as on the scale, since I tend to border on the hyper-critical end when it comes to myself. Its amazing something as simple as “getting in better shape” can go from a little statement to basically a lifestyle change. Its something I wasn’t expecting, but it feels good to actually make the changes, and be very conscious of what I’m eating, why I’m eating it, and even stupid stuff like parking far away from the store I’m going into so I take more steps in a day.

Despite my general sobriety lately (result of the aforementioned healthier lifestyle) I’ve just received a glass of red wine from the nice lady on the train. And I’m going for it for once. Why? Because the person in front of me is making me crazy, it’s a long ass ride, and I don’t get a cookie like everybody else. That, and if I lose any more weight before Folsom, my outfit won’t fit right. So I’m holding constant for a week. Or trying to.

I think giving up some of my vices (good desserts, lots of wine, butter, french food) is making the vices I’m still allowed (hello, sex drive!) want to come out and play more. Suppressing that is an interesting game at this point, since there’s only so much Miss Penny and Master Blaine can do to keep up with me, even less when we’re far apart.  I’m hoping that we can work in at least a little time for play while we’re up in the Bay Area, since I’m wanting to be bruised and bloody even more than I’m wanting sex, and if you know me, or have even sort of read my blog, you know that’s saying something.  We got a really nice thick wooden yardstick today that I got to sample just a little of and am looking forward to getting more of. I feel a bit bad for cutting Master Blaine off, but I was torn between wanting to just be beaten, even if it meant blowing off my morning classes and making the last train up to LA like a good girl. I very conflictedly (it’s a word now, damnit) asked to stop, but it felt GOOOD. I hope it comes up to SF. And that the rest of its new friends in the toy bag come too.

How many drunken Chargers fans does it take to screw in a light bulb? None. They’re too busy trying to pick me up. Besides, they don’t need light bulbs. Their assy shaved heads are shiny enough. Anyway, I grew up in Chicago. Fuck it all. Go Bears. Hey, there’s a hot air balloon. We must be in Del Mar!

I’m a bit nervous about Folsom. It’s going to be quite the introduction to the SF fetish scene for me, and, whie I’m looking forward to it more than I can explain, I’m apprehensive. I get nervous in crowds, I’m a total freak magnet, and my major ADD makes it easy as hell for me to get entirely lost. I’m glad to be going with Miss Penny and Master Blaine and not anyone else in the entire world, not just because they are super special to me, but because they are really good at keeping me calm (or calm-ish) in crowds,  keeping my ADD at bay, and they know lots about what to do and not to do there. Plus, they’re fucking fun, and I’m all about the fun sometimes.

I’m in college application time as soon as I get back from Folsom. Lots of essay writing, which is always a thrill. I’m still working on a concrete list of where I am applying and why, their pros, cons, etc. Its long and convoluted so far.  I’ve got USC, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Stanford (maybe) Tulane, Northwestern, Colombia, NYU, Harvard, Boston College, Michigan, and Princeton on the short, and ever changing list right now, and have a meeting set up with a college advisor on Tuesday.  Needless to say, I’m going mostly for big city schools, with Michigan as the obvious exception. It’s also a safety school for me, as my dad is on the admissions board, I’m a legacy, etc etc.  I’ve been told I should apply to the U of Chicago as another safety (a safety? Yes. It may be a prestigious school, and impossible to get into, blah, blah blah, but if anyone has the hookup, its me) but I’m not going there. Its 2 blocks from my parents house. And I promised  myself I’m never EVER moving back that close to my parents.

Drunky McDrunkpants is hitting on me. His seat is leaned back and he’s trying to converse with me, despite my headphones and typing. Apparently I have “the most dicksuckingest lips I’ve ever seen on a real girl” Yes, direct quote.  I apparently don’t care. Maybe he’ll fall asleep soon.

Oooh! I got the awesomest socks today! Theyre animal toe socks where my toes become the animal footy bits. Apparently penguins, dogs, and lions all have 5 legs. I think I skeeved Master Blaine out by playing with his cock with my penguin feet. But seriously, I couldn’t help it.

Alright. I can’t hang anymore. Dude is jumping around and, thus, totally messing up my typing. I’m gonna sip my wine and review my flash cards for Spanish! More after Folsom.

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