(no subject)

Aug 11, 2008 18:36

Well...a lot has happened since I last updated, so this post will basically consist of the many things that have happened in my life since Jun
e 11th.

First of all: I had a birthday so I am now 22...though I seem to have a hard time remembering that.

My parents have successfully moved to Victoria, Texas. I have not seen the house, or been down to Victoria, but the house looks pretty online. They seem really happy with it, and Lincoln loves the backyard and all the windows. =D

In less than happy news, my Granddaddy died. On the Friday, June 13th he had a stroke, and he was not able to recover from it. I went down to Houston to visit so I got to spend a few days in the hospital with him. It was so sad because it was so obvious that he had his mental faculties completely in tact...but he could not move or talk. He could only communicate with is eyes, and form some words with his mouth...all he could do was just lay there gripping the golf handle grip from his favorite golf club. It was pretty hard seeing him like that, knowing that he wanted nothing more than to be able to talk to us. It was also pretty hard because I had just seen him less than a month before when he and Grandma came up to Oklahoma with my parents for my graduation. The day Granddaddy had his stroke was one of the strangest days for me because I found out about it right before I sat down to watch that weeks Doctor Who episode. That episode happened to feature Agatha Christie...who just happened to be Granddaddy's favorite author. He owned every single book she wrote, frequently more than one...and he was the person who introduced her books to me and gave me a bunch of his duplicate copies to read. Knowing that about him, and then finding out that he had a stroke the very day that that episode was about to air was just so surreal.

I am still working at Office Depot....I kind of hate it there, but at least its a job and it pays the bills. This week, and next week, is "Back to School"...meaning that we are insanely busy all day. "Teacher Appreciation Day" is also this Saturday, which is a crazy day for all the teachers in the area. I have to work from 7am-5pm that day...I'm not really looking forward to it. However, Manager-Dude told me today that he is seriously considering making me a Full-Time DPS (Copy Center) Person. That would mean I get to work in DPS full time, which is my favorite place to work in that store, and I'll get to be an actual full-time employee, instead of a "part-time" employee who sometimes gets full-time hours and sometimes doesn't....I would be required to have full-time hours every week, which would be sweet, especially if those hours are permanently in DPS. He said that he's going to make that decision after Back to School stuff....but since he's "seriously considering" it and he approached me about it today I have a good feeling about it.

In really happy news The Phenomenologist and I have adopted a kitten! His name is Erasmus, he is just now 12 weeks old and he is super cute. However, we usually call him Ras (or raz). I want to post some pictures of him, but I'm having issues with the internet and uploading photos, so those will probably be posted in an edit to this post at a later date.

Our New Kitten: Erasmus; Ras (Raz)

I also recently went to Austin, and I had a great time....and also spent a ton of money on books. I had to buy a new tote bag to get them all back. They are also all philosophy and theology books. I have a problem.

Speaking of books, I am in the middle of the last book of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. It is a really good series, and I highly recommend it.

Oh! I also bought myself a new laptop. It's totally cool and I love it.

Okay, that's all for now. I have a kitten on my lap who is both very interested in my laptop and really wants me to stop playing with it and play with him instead...so that's what I'm going to do.
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