(no subject)

Aug 22, 2007 01:47

I have recently decided to resurrect this blog, so resurrect it I shall. It has been about three months since I have updated. Oh well. I don't really have a reason, other than just assuming that I needed the summer off.

I had a bad job over the summer, working for a bunch of engineers. However, I have now quit that job (as I am back in Oklahoma) and I made a fair amount of money, so it's all good. Kind of.

I have just finished spending a wonderful eight days with my boyfriend (who doesn't have a neat LJ Code Name yet...as I have yet to come up with one since I haven't been updating regularly...I should get on that). That week was set between his return from India and his departure for graduate school in DC. It was a good week.

However, he left this morning. That makes me sad and a bit depressed (today especially), even though I am very happy for him.

School started yesterday. The classes I am taking this semester are: Intermediate French I, Gothic Literature, Riceour Seminar, Philosophy of Love and Sex and Senior Paper (which is my thesis project). It is going to be a busy semester, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to like all of my classes except for French (which I think I'm going to take Pass/Fail). I had Gothic Literature yesterday, and it rocks! Vampires are neat! I have all of my other classes tomorrow. Here's hoping I enjoy them as much as I think I will.

Also: I am now in a different apartment. My roommate arrived to check in a day early, and discovered that things were growing in our apartment...things that weren't supposed to be growing. So she was able to get us moved to a different building. Which is great, right? The only catch was that it needed to be done that afternoon. My boyfriend (yes, he's still lacking a LJ Code Name) and I didn't arrive on campus until around 4pm. Needless to say, it was quite an exhausting afternoon, with moving all my stuff from one apartment (on the second floor), across the complex and into another (on the third floor). I am just now starting to unpack and put away all the stuff that we hastily packed and left in the middle of my floor. It is a pretty daunting task, however I am making some progress.

Okay, I think that is all I want to talk about for now.

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