Three Words in the Dark

Aug 15, 2011 14:44

Title:  Three Words in the Dark
Author: pmw10261
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood. I do not make money off of Torchwood. This is for entertainment purposes only.
Beta: none
Author’s Note: Written for the redisourcolour  challenge #20. The theme is ‘Anniversary’

He lay there, spooned with Ianto, listening to the sound of him breathing.




He was finally asleep.

“You know, I was scared,” he whispered, gently stroking a finger down his lovers side, careful not to touch the bruises on his hip. “I nearly lost you today. I’ve nearly lost you way to many times. The whale, weevils, deranged aliens. Sometimes it has been took close. I can’t lose you.”

The younger man wiggles, to ease the pressure on the bandage near his knee, then settles, in a more comfortable position, closer to Jack.

“I'ld like to protect you, wrap you up so you wont get hurt, but you wouldn’t like that, it would annoy you. You would think I don’t trust  that you’re good enough to be in the field, but you are, you are better than the others, you think, not just react. But I hate it when you are hurt. My heart stops, because now you have my heart.”

He gently kisses the younger man’s neck, light butterfly kisses, he doesn't want to wake him.

“I had plans for today, was going to wine and dine you, take you dancing, a real bang up night out. Why? It has been 2 years since we found Myfawny. Two years of divine coffee and an even more divine man.”

Jack gently lays his hand over Ianto’s heart, feeling the steady beat.

“But, like usual, Torchwood got in the way. I love you. Big brave Captain Jack, can save the world, but can’t say three words to the man who means the most to him.”

He kisses Ianto behind the ear and sighs resting his head on the pillow.

Ianto’s hand moves, to cover Jack’s.

“Love you too.”

ianto, jack, red is our colour

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