Work has been insanely busy, a lot of things to do, and nowhere near enough time to get everything done. I've been working from home the last couple days just to minimize distractions and reduce interactions with people that decide they need to ask me something every 5 minutes. Got quite a lot done, but the winding down period is still going to be incredibly hectic until the very end. I'm debating taking a bit of time between jobs, but that seems contrary to my nature, as I'll likely want to start getting settled in and working as soon as possible after the move, which looms dangerously closer.
On another note, got some interesting errata today, of which I'll spare you the grisly details. At first glance it doesn't look like we're going to be effected by it, but it's going to require some painful auditing and testing to validate. Working on new processors is always exciting. Also seems like I'll be giving a talk or two at the embedded linux conference in April in San Jose, so I should probably get around to working out some paper topics.
Early morning flight to Zurich and then Dallas to catch the last weekend of NRP and to visit
sihirli and others for a few days.