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Oct 18, 2005 08:27

Warning this is long: I had a dream that i ran away witch is absurd becasue im twenty-three years old. so i followed threw with this plan on the weekend i was not home from friday night at 7:45 to sunday night at 11:30 what did i do you ask well here goes Firday went to the mall and brought Pocket Monster I hate you guys for making me buy it I can't stand it its like crack and i hate it. went to shaws, then went back to chibby's house with me, ken (the), nick, and chibby. We ate way to much soup, played video games, and watched tv i think. nick went home the other three stayed. Saturday woke up early went to the farm house to eat and did. then the three made thier way up to Salem Mass. it took like three or four hours. gump and ken (the) thought it was on the boarder but no it was nearer to New Hampshire. we went thier becasue Cory told us not to go to Canada. We got thier and went to a pirate museum that right we went up to Salem Mass. in the middel of October and went to a priate museum. when we got off the exit we saw a mall and siad hey let us go thier on our way back. we headed towards a mall on the way back. this mall is the worst mall in america or the world for that matter. out side it had a sea food place called Legal Seafood. the mall had a sign on the outside witch said MALL. thier were ohems before we went in. thier was a banana peel out side of the car wating for ken but he did not slip on it. ken (the) had to do something at his car so chibby and gump walk ahead finding a black banana peel on the ground camofloge. ken (the) caught up. and we went in. Thier was not a person except kne (the) and chibby wearing a tee-shit in side that entire mall. it had and elevator that lead to a christain book store. the food cour only served water. the mall directroy had a setion specifally for fat pepole like five stores. the directory had none of the stores it said on it. thier were no toys r eses, nor video game stores, nor anythin of the sorts it had just abunch of high class stores with people looking at you thinking why the fuck are you here. so we left this place soon as we could ohh yeah we found a joes you know how you always see those places on tv eat at joes. well we found in sides this backasswards mall and it was a high class wine joint. we left with banishment for this mall across the street form this so-called mall was a liqure store with shopping carts and way to lagre for it-self. we decied to get the fuck out of mass. as soon as possible. as we were getting on to the hightway we saw the mall that we wanted to go to got on the highway and got off at the next exit. went to this mall at first glance it does not look like a mall for it is camoflogshed with a bunch of stores such as stop & shop old Navy, and a Lowes cinaplex. behind these stoes and in between is the mall. we went in with joy for outside we saw pepole in tee-shirts in side thier was a video game store, and arcade, and the food court severed soad. i'll leave you at that for now to be contiuned next time the story and the great mall wars and the rest of the weekend
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