1. I am happiest when: I'm with my family, friends, and eric
2. I feel lonely when: I'm at home all by myself
3. The ideal relationship would be: The one i'm in now
4. Favorite movie(s): Grease, A Walk to Remember
5. Favorite author: none
6. What makes you cry: when people fight (including me), someone scares me, my feelings get hurt
7. Introvert or extrovert: extrovert
8. Do you think too much: yep
9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be: i don't really have a place, i would love to live at the beach or on the river
10. A famous person you would like to meet: Kenny Chesney
11. Do you believe in organized religion: yes
12. Pro-life or pro-choice: Pro-choice
13. Are you a vegetarian: nope
14. Do you support the death penalty: sure
15. Do angels or demons exist: i believe in angels but never really thought about demons
16. What would you most like to be doing right now: sleepin...lol.like that wouldn't be hard to go do
17. Do you have any regrets: a few
18. Sex or love: yep
19. Favorite coffee: yuck!
20. Brand of cigarettes: yuck also!
21. Favorite scent: depends....cologne-armani(sp) and cool water, perfume- lucky
22. What REALLY makes you mad: people who lie, fake people
23. Favorite way to waste time: sleep
26. What is your best quality: i guess just being me
27. Are you currently in love/lust: love
28. What's the craziest thing you have ever done: nothing in particular, i don't guess
30. Any bad habits: procrastinating
31. Do you find it hard to trust people: sometimes
32. Do you ever doubt yourself: alot
33. Last book you read: i hate books
34. Last thing you bought for yourself: some capris (but then mom paid me back)
35. Bath or shower: both
36. Favorite season: summer
37. Porn or erotica: hmmm....don't really like either
38. What is your favorite flavor: ice cream-chocolate, sno-ball-strawberry with cream
39. What is your favorite time of day: night
41. What is the lamest pickup line someone has used on you: eric always tells me something about " i have sex with other girls but i make love to you" and then laughs..hehe
42. Silk sheets or cotton: i would love silk but never had them...btw "july 29th is my b-day"
43. Any secret crushes: no
44. Do you ever feel you are insane: yes frequently.....lol
45. Favorite style of music: mostly country lately...although i did geta cd player and speakers as an early present from my awesome boyfriend so i have been listening to rap
46. Favorite film genre: "chick flicks"
47. If you could be the opposite sex for one day, would you do it: no, i don't wanna know what its like to be them and i like bein a girl
48.What do you desire most in life: to graduate, finish college, get married, have a family and live a great life
49. Do you believe in destiny: yes
50. Is world peace attainable: hopefully
51. City or country: middle
52. Are you more inclined to set short or long term goals for yourself?: short
First bike: it was pink with sparkly things on it, pom poms on the handlebars, a horn....aw it was soo cute
First best friend(s): Katie Jo White
First real memory of something: the first AA meeting i went to...*tear*
First car: 1999 red grand am....yes i'm still driving it
First date: that was like 3 years ago..
First kiss: like said before....that meant something....oct 2000 :)
First break-up: ll i've had are those stupid middle school ones
First job: babins
First screen name: klr5432
First self purchased album: i bought lion king when i was like 5
First pet: DeeDee....that was just the name tony gave here...he was part wold part sheltie i think......she was soo big and sweet
First piercing/tattoo: umm...my ears when i was like a months old
First independent home: not yet
First house/flat/apartment: my first house that i lived in was a trailer in the same yard but i don't own my own yet
First credit card: don't have one
First love: Eric Anthony Neal
First big trip: ummm.i actually went to New York and alabama and stuff when i was little and lots baseball trips...disney a couple times..
First play/musical/performance: none
First musician you remember hearing in your house: none
last good cry: last night when i took something the wrong way
last library book checked out: something on aids for my term paper
last movie seen: a walk to remember
last book read: ???
last cuss word uttered: haven't in a while so i dunno
last beverage drank: a sprite
food consumed: goat stew....lol
last crush: Eric
last kiss: about an hour ago
last phone call: heather
last tv show watched: wedding story this morning
last time showered: at lunch today
last shoes worn: NB
last cd played: wayne toups
last item bought: sprite
last downloaded: none
last annoyance: some bitch at the store tonight
last disappointment: i dunno
last soda drank: sprite
last word written: across
last key used: car
last word spoken: point...as in "i don't get the point"
last sleep: last night
last im: nathan
last weird encounter: i dunno
last time amused: i dunno that either
last time wanting to die: none
last time in love: currently
last massage: my mom
last time hugged: earlier
last chair sat in: computer chair
last lipstick used: some mary kay stuff
last shirt worn: my leblancs
last time dancing: i dunno
last webpage visited: livejournal