[sj state]
So i guess it's official...
I'm just planning on dorming there for my first year, since
it's really just so expensive [ so thank god we're not poor or
even living under well-off, because i was too lazy/dumb to finish off my
financial aid] and then I guess i'll move to one of those old victorian homes
downtown because they look like so much fun! Plus, they're hella cheaper
and a lot of listings are always going up for rooms to share, on
I love Craigslist! It's so interesting...anyway the rooms are around
$300-$800 dollars in these cute little Victorian homes.
I'm not really excited though for the year to come, because i'll still be in San Jose...
and Myla will know I live there and probably will ask more than enough
if i've got green on me because I still live in SJ and should still
have connections. Oh well...
At Kumon yesterday, this friendly Indian lady came up to me
while I was at my desk and asked if I would tutor her 11 yr old daughter
during the summer. I felt hella honored!!! Parents don't usually come up
and see if you could tutor their kid because, well their kid already has Kumon +
we're a bunch of teenagers.
so I felt hella surprised that she would want ME to help out.
I bragged this to my mother and shoved it into her face that even though
i have this lip piercing, it doesn't really make people judge me
in the way she thinks everyone would.
I mean of course, I would be judged but oh my fucking god its just
a stupid piercing.
So hahaha I still have PARENTS coming up to me offering jobs
as my mom scolds me every single day since April 8 that nobody
would ever hire me.
+anyway, I am not looking for a job right now, and I know in college
if I wanted an internship anywhere professional, I would take off the piercing
in spite of myself.
mmmkay and here are some Sadie pictures I shouldve put up long ago..
Diana, Adriana and I, before the dance
Jolie flipped my hair =D It actually looked okay down for the 1st time in 3 years.
Kathy looks too adorable in this. + we have totally different outfits. yeee.
Me hella dancing on this guy, Jefferson, and my date, Helerie, in the back. she's so cute =X
faces of the night. look at Helerie again! How pretty =o