
Edinburgh: Day 4

Jul 17, 2014 19:34

Today we started later than usual due to being knackered from yesterday. We started the afternoon with a trip to the Curiousity Tea rooms, an Alice in Wonderland themed tea rooms. This time I had two different teas, a Coffee and Amerato redbush and later on, an Apple and Cinnamon black tea. Both were good but it was the setting here that was the most fantastic part of the experience. They even had a table and chair attached to the ceiling, complete with a full teaset!

After lunch, we walked up to the Whisky Experience, which was a fascinating insight into the process by which whisky was created. I'll admit that getting to taste a variety of different whisky's was fascinating. I even treated myself to a Macallan 18 year old whisky, and can see why it's supposed to be the king of whisky's. There is so many different varients, I had a hard time chosing what to buy! I settled on a recomended Highland whisky which is a combination of the Highland fruity notes and the smokey Islay whisky's which I usually drink.

After the tour we went to an Optical Illusion place across the street which included a fascinating Camera Obscura. Have to say that going into the Vertigo Tunnel after rhe whisky was a mistake!!

All in all, it's been a good day and both L and I will be sad to go home tomorrow.
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