Awake at stupid o'clock, waiting for it to be time to get up.
Today I shall be doing something that I've never had the confidence to do before, and make a point of publically expressing a belief that no one should be mistreated, sidelined, hated or abused for their sexuality. I'm both nervous because I have no idea what to expect, and excited that I've reached a point in my life where I am prepared to confront people who disagree with my personal beliefs.
I must thank
nothingtoyou and
sherbetsaucers for their nurturing, support and enthusiasm in bringing me to this point
In other news, I am madly in Like (only L word I am allowed to use at this point), with Louise. Met up with her friends on Wednesday and spent a great evening getting to know new people, and watching various folk dances on the streets of St Albans. Apparently I've managed to impress her friends, even the one who threatened to break my legs if I hurt Louise, which is a good thing.
I've not felt this happy for a very long time, and I still can't believe that I've met someone with whom I'm compatible with right on my doorstep. I'm doing my best to keep proceeding one step at a time, but the urge to plunge headlong into this is getting hard to resist.