Nov 02, 2006 17:35
Yeah, so I haven't typed in this thing for ages and a half.
oh well.
As of late, i've just been floating around doing highly random things. I think I live at my apartment about 2/3 of the week. I just don't care to go back to the apartment right away, so I hang out with people, and then it gets late, and then i'm turning into a couch person. such is life.
Andrea, Mindy and I have been working on our Katsucon costumes. Even though the con is coming up in February, we're getting a head start on things. So far we have mine almost done, well, done to the point of me being able to finish it myself. Next up is Mindy's, as Andrea and her have started it this past weekend. I think our goal is to get them done to the point of aiding each other by the time of finals. This way if there is anything that needs some last minute touches we can do them withought any rush.
Yeah. My buddies Aaron and Christoff held a big Halloween costume party on Saturday. they told me about it well in advance so I could get a good costume. Reason being the theme for the girls was "slutty". They were to even have a costume contest on the sluttiest costume. So with me making my Fiona Belli costume from Haunting grounds for Katsucon, I saw that there were alterative costumes.
1) regular costume
2) regular costume without shoes and hair down
3) hospital robes with blood
4) cowgirl
5) illegal in some states
6) frog
Needless to say, I chose the cowgirl for the party, and I'm also finishing the basic framework of the costume and walking around as cowgirl Fiona for Katsucon. yup. And, due to the skimpyness of the costume, I actually got the booby prize of a bottle of apple pucker for being the sluttiest one there. wootness to sluttyness.
yeah....classes are easy, but i'm taking them as being boring and non fullfilling this semester. I'm having fun in my graphics design class because we can be creative and such. I've already done a digital picture from scratch and an all computer made animation. My painting class I hate due to my teacher and our assignments. And my animation class...well...I like animation and all but if you have a rambling teacher that is a bore, it gets kinda old.
And such is life, as i'm also trying to figure out my money income for next semester. Still working on it, but i'm sure i'll find thinks...yah....eep.