Yellow pin of Nerdism

Jun 08, 2006 21:14

wow, it has been ages since I've visited this site. No checking other's pages, nor updating mine. Well, i'm on again...bwahahahahahahaha!!!

mkay....I just have to add in how much of a nerd Janice and I have become. We are seriously on our way to become Nerd Elites...yeah....that's scary.

The later part of second semester, my computer decided to get a shit load of viruses and worms from trying to crack painter x. That blew up in my face. Seriously, being able to kill your computer in 2 hours takes some talent that I'll say. So, I had to reinstall windows. With that, I lost all my vaulable art programs that I have pirated. Give me some shit on a stick, we're cookin tonight!

So, situated in my new apartment and such now, I'm finally updating my computer of it's much deprived programs. So, one day I was obtaining photoshop 7 via bittorrents, and I asked Janice if she wanted anything. She implied "get lightwave 8" So I tried that, and obtained the gig sized folder for lightwave.

After about 2 weeks of sitting and staring at the lightwave folder that didn't want to be installed, Janice and I finally got down to buisness. I hooked up my external harddrive to her comp, sent her the folder, and we both sat and tried to figure out the damn program together on our indivudual computers.

30 minutes later

Janice sends me a link to download an iso extracter. The files were in .daa extension, and needed to be unzipped. So after that, we had to install 3 setups, after extracting the iso's into 3 different folders. With that, we were able to use lightwave and modeler. But there was a problem. it was a trial version.

I reread the intall instructions (which were poorly written i might add) and realized we needed to copy the given lightwave and modeler exe's into the newly installed lightwave folder. We did just that, but there be a problem. We could only use lightwave, and the modeler was still trial.

so, we reread the install guide, and had to install a patch of 8.2. So we did that, and lightwave worked nicely, now it raed 8.2, but still no luck with the trial. There was a file that was laughing at us, cause we knew we had to install it somehow, a regedit file. I gave up, thinking that i'll just find a way to get modeler back if it ever gave me issues. But Janice defied all logic.

she decided to put the regedit file into the program foler of lightwave. After she did so, the modeler program of lightwave was no longer a trial.

So with Janice and my minds we were able to crack Lightwave 8, with the use of shitty install instructions, and with help of nice people on forums who have had this issue in the past.

After this ordeal, we decided that we need a chart of "how high is our nerd level?" . We get yellow stars when we do somthing nerdy, like get to a certain level in WoW, or crack a program, or anything else crazy with computers.

And that is my story on how Janice and I obtained our Yellow pin of Nerdism.
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