Sep 22, 2004 23:07
College is fun. We're doing Macbeth, Crimes of the Heart and Living Stones this year at Cal Poly. I'm going to try out for Macbeth and Crimes of the heart cause they're interesting plays. I would try out for living stones too but I have a study group for my only hard class, Bio, during times we would be rehearsing. Damn GE!
Bio classes are not really too hard but it's really the only challenging class I have. I'm in the lecture and study group with Ali and I got the Lab for bio with some cool people too like Andrew and Delilah. I think I can actually handle the class though. The study group teacher is awesome and gave us worksheets that make the lectures more easy to understand.
Theatre class is rehashing of the past two years for me. We're going over oedipus and I've read it a couple times and been in it for a couple months so yeah I know that play. Next we're reading Othello which is actually a cool play cause the main character is african american. Now it's not just cool cause he's black, it's a good play too with fun characters like Iago and Brabantio (whose monologue a little bit into the play is my favorite shakespeare monologue to do that I've memorized :)
Precalc is so easy it's ridiculous. That's really all there is to say. At least it'll be over quick (Dec 8th?) then I'll be done with math cause I will have finished my math part of my GE. Forever. (oh yeah I have to take statistics later, but from what I hear, that's super easy) Until my kids ask me for help with math homework. Then I'll have to refer them to my wife who, hopefully, will be able to help my poor kids.
Writing is a fun class too. I met some cool people named Thor amd Lauren and the teacher's really nice and we don't have any homework over thankgsiving and we get out a week early (the final's dec 2 instead of dec 10th) WE only have to do 3 essays so that's nice too. We write in a journal everyday but that's easy and fun cause we can do free writes and creative writing there.
Alrighty I'mma go because I'm stealing Zach's computer like a fiend and he wants to go to bed. Hope everyone's having an awesome time like I am :) Peace.