Now at: Pandabloggin'

Sep 03, 2009 16:43

I'm please to announce that I have a new blog!

I'm feeling like it's time to retire LiveJournal. This probably not a surprise to most of you, as my entries have been pretty far and few.

I still visit and read my friends page, but the actual act of blogging on LJ is more laborious than on other platforms. I've been doing a lot of web design and development with Wordpress this past year, and that's quickly becoming a more enjoyable way to blog.

The original draw of LJ did definitely have to do with the community. I really do love writing/blogging, but did not want to share every single thought I had with the public. With LJ, you could have friends groups, and I enjoyed being able to share more private entries with a certain group, while keeping things like convention news public.

I guess now that I'm older, and perhaps better at self-editing, I am more relaxed about who I am and what I have to say. I don't feel the need to write anything I'm not comfortable sharing with everyone. All the angst of my youth is, for the most part, pretty much behind me :)

I'm not sure if this is "goodbye" forever. (There was some drama a few years back, when I decided to say goodbye, but as you all know I did come back :) Like I said, I still stop by daily to check on friends...and the longer you have an account on a platform, the harder it is to completely let go, because of the sentimental history. With LJ, it's hard to believe that I've been on here since 2003? 2004? (I'm sure it says on my profile page somewhere.)

Anyways, for now, you can see some of my latest over at Pandabloggin'. I'll be group posting with many of my friends/family that help me out at P.M.B.Q. Studios, and you'll be able to see how their points of view help contribute to my body of work :)

Thanks for sticking around and hope to see you at the new blog!

pandabloggin, pmbq

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