So, a while back, a friend said that she was having a tough time at work, and I responded:I'm pretty sure that most people's relationship to work is an abusive one. Things like "work doesn't like it if I go out, so I can't be friends with you any more" and "work was bad for a long time, but yesterday it was good, so I think it's changed and we've
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I suspect a lot of this is that people are used to abuse-like patterns in their personal lives, and so they come to expect them everywhere. I'm a relationship geek and I know a great deal about the healthy functioning of relationships and how to fix broken ones; it's very hard for me to work at any job for long without starting to pick at the ways that it mirrors abuse. I strongly prefer to work for small companies because I stand a much better chance of being able to change the damaging patterns, ideally from the top down.
My favorite non-abusive job was at Tekserve, a Mac sales and repair shop in New York. Their salespeople are straight salary, no commission, to ensure that they don't sell more than the customer needs. The employee discount is cost minus 10% and they let you pay off big purchases straight from your pre-tax pay, in installments. I miss them. If I could afford to work there again, I would.
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