So tonight we 'surprised' Anh with an early birthday celebration. It was kind of awkward, because she had a test the next morning and she didn't really act surprised - it was more awkward shyness. lol.
I prefer this surprise face:
lol but that's more like omg-I'm-so-excited-to-drink-beer's from their beer commercial lol...
AND she wouldn't let us into her room, because it was so messy haha. I'm glad some people came, though, because it would have been too awkward if certain people weren't there together, like Haydee and Seungoh. Anyway, since we couldn't go into her room we sat right in the middle of the hallway. lol. Several girls kept passing through and we had to apologize every time haha. And they made fun of Seungoh, the korean guy because he acted as the spokesperson who said a collective 'sorry' for everyone. hmm I don't think he said "shorry" the way that shupah juniahhh!! says it in their song. So that's over with, and I may not see her again until after Spring break...*shrug*
Oh, just for
sunshine8flower , just a little gossip - as of two weeks ago, Benji is not single anymore. :'( *sadness, I know* He's going out with a Chinese girl named Shu Yi...actually, I don't know how to spell her name...they're really cute together though! Or so I've heard. I can imaagine them looking cute together. And Shu Yi is very nice! She's not stunningly beautiful, but she's pretty :) I wish I could show you a picture of her, but I'm not facebook friends with her..I wonder why...
And for the past hour or so, and before the surprise gathering, I was drawn back to the wonderful world of Big Bang! I found this amazing website with crazy amounts of epic win icons! And I painfully had to choose ONLY 15!!! And that's including my past love for Rain and You're Beautiful, [which I need to buy! Because I want it just so it's physically mine...not creepy-weird at all
Anyway, I had better get back to studying for my test this Thursday, and then after that, FREEDOM!!!