Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

Apr 27, 2005 15:04

Woohoo! I am finished moving footnotes in Jesus the Christ! Now on to all the million little details! My goal is to have it ready for Post-Processing Verification when I go home on the 10th. That gives me two weeks.

I am auditing Dance 280 - Intermediate Social. They need guys and I need practice. My goal is to take and pass the Silver Medals exam. We will be doing American Cha-Cha, Triple Swing, Waltz, with some Foxtrot, West Coast Swing, and Viennese Waltz. Should be fun, keep me on my toes, hehe.

I will probably fly into Reno, NV on the way back from visiting my family and pick up the Buick my Grandpa is generously donating me. If I decide it is too expensive it goes to Katie.

I am going to get some people together tonight to watch The Hudsucker Proxy. It is a good movie for getting to know people with. One or two swear words in the whole thing other than that squeaky clean and hilariously funny. Either that or The Man Who Knew Too Little, which is on my need to purchase so our apartment has a legal copy list.
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