(no subject)

Mar 10, 2005 04:04

It's really late or actually it's really early...whatever what really matters is that i am tierd, but i am staying up with Nick so he could change his sleep patterns..he needs to for work...i love Nick he is so beautiful he makes me smile and my stomach tingle..sometimes i just look at him and wonder how i go to be lucky enough to be in his life,we met so randomly too which makes it even better i hope i get to see his face in the future.I really miss my family and my friends they mean the world to me and i havn't seen them for a while.Kinda makes me feel selfish because i hurt some people to make myself happy, to make this huge move now i am just regreting it,well i guess not regreting it because i have learned alot and i have met some pretty awesome people in the making but i deffinatly miss the beach, i never thought i would but i do..I really miss Sara and Rachel and my cousin and my grandma and Danielle and Shayna..and some people i failed to mention but i really miss them alot,it sucks to think that when i move back thing will be so differnt with everyone's lives,they have all grown up and have experienced so much since i have left hopefully my friendship is still stong with them,it will be tuff to go back and have to adjust to everything all over again,i ahve been having to do that alot i always seem to be moving around and never having a stable place to live i havn't really called a place home and meant it in a long time,i really want to just go back and settle down and have a bedroom where it will be mine and have all my stuff in it and i will always know that it's there if i want to be alone or just be in the comfort of my own house,it really is depressing when i havn't slept in my own bed for soo long i really want that.I really want to have a mom this time too that would be the best.
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