I made it!

Jul 15, 2007 17:46

Oh yeah, i passed my thesis defence!
Remind me not to invite Prof. T in my commitee if i ever have a brain-malfunction and decide to do it again :p
It is customary to toss a candidate a few softball questions to get going and come up with tougher stuff during the course of the defence, but this guy started filleting right off the bat.
I always had this mental image of him as a kind old man. Guess i was wrong.

It feels good to have this behind me, mentally as well as financially. The whole printing of the thesis, renting the Acadamy building, renting a suit cost a butload of money. Forunately i can get a part of it back as a tax write-off and at least now i have some overview about my finanical situation over the rest of the year, less unknown factors to reckon with.

As for the party, i'm somewhat dissappointed in the alcohol-tolerance of my guests ;)

75 glasses of lager
29 glasses of beer
5 glasses of wine

Tssk, shame on you all ;)

I'll post a picture of me in a suit once i receive them from the various guests.
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