Tagged Twice

Dec 15, 2006 17:35

Heh, seems i got tagged with this random-things meme. Once by bondagewoodelf (postlink) and once by Yaqub (postlink).
Well, here goes:

1) When i ride the bus, i like to sit above the rear axle. The engine vibration there is like a free back massage. No, it is not a sexual thing, just comfortable :p

2) I've never had a relationship last longer then three months, because i am, apparently, impossible to live with. Assuming me and Annemarie survive the christmas holidays, she'll be my longest-lasting girlfriend ever.

3) I used to be pretty fat as a kid. I'm still borderline-overweight, as my body mass index is currently 25.

4) Insects give me the Creeps. I friggin' hate the little buggers, especially the larger ones. In contrast, spiders don't bother me at all.

5) Best book i read this year: Mutants, by Armand Marie Leroi. Perhaps unsurprisingly this is a popular-science book. However, my favourite genre is post-apocalyptic fiction. Except for that "Left Behind"-crap. Seriously, i like my fiction to be at least a bit plausible. Like books about zombies.

6) I've received love-letters from undergraduate students i've supervised. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with them? :P

7) Other undergraduate students gave me beer as a farewell present after the class i taught was over.

8) One thing that amuses me to no end is reading the kind of pseudoscientific claptrap people can come up with. Therefore, i like to visit creationist and newage (rhymes with sewege :p ) websites.

9) I've bought chemicals for people as christmas presents. For example, Arend will receive 200 grams of potassiumchlorate and 200 grams of bariumnitrate for christmas this year.

10) Of all the addictive substances i've ever used, the only thing that costs me trouble to quit is caffeine. Withdrawal gives me terrible headaches. Alcohol and nicotine presented no trouble at all.
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