Random Meme

Jan 09, 2009 21:38

I was tagged by 10_rose .

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged.

1.  I'm a little tispy at the mo', from one beer.  How sad is that?
2.  I read books incredibly fast, but I do not alway retain what I have read.
3. As a result of #2, I tend to re-read my books...alot.  I don't own a book that I haven't read more than once.  Except, ya know, for the new ones.
4.  No matter what the temperature is, I am happier in the car if I can have the window down. 
5.  I have a couple of "happy songs" that can cheer me up no matter what mood I am in.
       a. Canned Heat - Jamiroquai
       b. There's a good reason these tables are numbered Honey.  You just haven't thought of it yet. - Panic! at the disco
6.  I enjoy playing puzzle and hidden object games on the computer.
7.  I'm not a fan of Pizza.  I can eat it occasionally, but I don't really like it.
8.  I get very strange celebrity crushes, occasionally.  For example, I have a stange obsession with Steven Tyler.  He makes me drool.  And Slash.  I have no idea.
9.  I think that I watch to much TV, but I don't have any intentions of cutting back.
10.  I enjoy reading the Buffy: Season 8 Graphic Novels, and I had the first two signed by the artist at Dragon*Con last year.
11.  I pick at my cuticles, bite my nails, or scratch at my scalp when I get bored or worried or nervous.  All the time really, it's a twitch.
12.  Booth of my girls have blue eyes.  This is strange considering both Barry and I have hazel eyes.
13.  I'm growing my hair out.  Its getting huge, and I think I kinda like it all unruly.
14.  I have very bizarre sleep habits.  I cannot sleep if there is anything in front of my face, or if any part of my bare skin is being touched by any other bare skin.  If I am overheated or chilled, I can fall asleep, but I won't stay that way.  Barry rolling over in bed will wake me up , but I can sleep through my alarm.  I am so weird.
15.  I do not laugh out loud, unless it is really funny, because I have the tendency to hyperventilate when I get going.  If I start laughing, it can be hard to stop.
16.  The final episode of Season 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (The Gift) makes me cry every single time I watch it.  It doesn't matter that I could act it out, I've seen it so many times, it still gets me.  I've learned to have a hanky at the ready.

I'm not officially Tagging, but I would love to see Everyone's list.

meme, life

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