So it snowed and I didn't see my mum and my sibs, which sucks. Instead we went to Soton on a recce looking for IR film and a second hand lensbaby. Unsurprisingly we were unsucessful, but it was nice to get out, I think. I bought books and cheap blingy earings, Oli bought cards (for gaming) and we went to the pub then out to dinner with people in Winch. Soton was empty, I think cos of the cold and it was cold.
Sunday we went past the market and tried to buy mulled wine, but because the itchen valley brewery hadn't worked out their off-license license, they were giving away mulled wine for free as tehy couldn't sell it. I was going to suggest that they give me a bottle and I leave them a 'donation' but I thought that that might offend them. (In plumstead they don't care about things like licenses, but hey, this is winchester.)
Sunday afternoon I went out photoing with some fellow Winchester flickr group people and took the shot above. The shot below is one taken by one of them of me taking that shot. Which I think it interesting as it shows the house, which looks rather out of place in a terrace of red-brick victorian thingies. I've bought quite a few books on architecture, I hope to be able to write better descriptions that red-brick victorian thingies in the future, once I've read them of course. I figured that since I wrote about architecture a bit in my novels, I could at least get the words right.
So yeah. Anyway, I'm feeling good, less cold-y. It didn't snow this morning so I didn't head out into it. And I managed to do 1.5 hours of Katori in the cold dojo on only 500 calories yesterday. Who knew that sort of thing was possible?
So, this week I aim to get my stock photos sent to the arty stock website, get my submission sent to P. and I have a job (a bit of an outside chance) to apply for. I'm writing this here in the hope I'll get it all done!